Descubriendo las lagunas de Lantejuela - Baex Rentals
Laguna del Gobierno. Lantejuela.

If you visit us in one of our holiday homes in Lantejuela,… don’t miss to discover the Lantejuela Lagoons

A Natural Treasure in the Sevillian Countryside

Lantejuela, a picturesque village in the province of Seville, hides authentic natural treasures: La Laguna del Gobierno and the Endorreic Complex of La Lantejuela. This group of lagoons and wetlands, located between La Lantejuela and Osuna, takes us back to when these lands were covered by a vast wetland stretching as far as Ecija.

The Gobierno Lagoon

Declared a Nature Reserve, it is located about 800 metres from Lantejuela, in the beautiful region of Andalusia, Spain. This lagoon, with a surface area of over 20 hectares, has been completely recovered and is a true natural treasure. Here are some interesting details about the Laguna del Gobierno:

Descubriendo las lagunas de Lantejuela - Baex Rentals
Visit to the observatory in La Laguna del Gobierno.

If you love nature and ornithology, don’t miss the opportunity to explore this special place in Lantejuela, the Laguna del Gobierno awaits you with its unique beauty and biodiversity!


Endorreic Complex

  1. Laguna de La Ballestera: This shallow water lagoon is a remnant of what was once an extensive endorheic system. Although its extension is small, its ecological value is exceptional. The waters of La Ballestera are surprisingly saline, which makes it a unique habitat for several species of aquatic birds.
  2. Calderón Chica Lagoon: Another jewel of the complex, Calderón Chica also has shallow waters and vegetation adapted to the high salinity. Here, we find specimens of tamarisk, rushes and salicornias. In addition, this lagoon is home to two species of aquatic plants of the genus Althenia, which are rare in Andalusia.

Ecological Importance

  • Aquatic Birds: La Lantejuela is a paradise for birds. During migration, numerous species find a resting and feeding place here. Among the most common are mallards, gadwall ducks, shovelers and flamingos. Stilts also make an appearance.
  • Birds of prey: Not only water birds enjoy this environment. The marsh harrier, the Montagu’s harrier and the buzzard also fly over these waters.



  • Although the complex is named after La Lantejuela, the Lagunas de la Ballestera and Calderón Chica are completely within the municipal area of Osuna, less than 3 km away.
  • The salinity of the waters is a distinctive feature and contributes to the uniqueness of this natural space.

Of course! The flora and fauna of the La Lantejuela Endorheic Complex are fascinating. Let me immerse you in this natural world:


  1. Taraje (Tamarix Africana): This shrub or small tree is one of the most emblematic species in the area. Its leaves are small and scaly, and its adaptation to the salinity of the soil is impressive. The tamarisk forms dense thickets on the shores of the lagoons.
  2. Reeds (Juncus spp.): Reeds are perennial plants that grow on the edges of ponds. Its cylindrical, flexible stems provide shelter and food for various waterfowl.
  3. Salicornias (Salicornia spp.): These halophytic plants are experts at surviving in saline environments. Its succulent stems store water and nutrients, and its small flowers are a marvel of adaptation.


  1. Waterfowl: The endorheic complex is a paradise for migratory and resident birds. Here you will find:
    • Flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus): These elegant pink birds feed in lagoons, filtering the water to catch small crustaceans and algae.
    • Mallard Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos): Common ducks are frequent visitors. Their striking colours and squawks fill the air.
    • Stilts (Himantopus himantopus): These wading birds with long legs and thin beaks move gracefully through shallow waters.
    • White-headed Duck (Oxyura leucocephala): The White-headed Duck is a diving duck that lives in Eurasia and North Africa. Its name comes from the characteristic white spot on its head. Although its range is uncertain, it is a duck of great beauty and uniqueness. In the Endorheic Complex of La Lantejuela, you can have the opportunity to observe this species in its natural habitat.
  2. Raptors: Not only waterfowl find refuge here. Raptors also fly over the complex:
    • Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus): This silent hunter looks for prey among the reeds and banks.
    • Montagu’s Harrier (Circus pygargus): Its silvery grey plumage camouflages it perfectly in the environment.
    • Buzzard (Buteo buteo): This majestic falcon hovers in search of rodents and small reptiles.
  3. Amphibians and Reptiles: Don’t be surprised if you see frogs, toads and lizards in the surrounding area. These small inhabitants are also part of this ecosystem.

In summary, the La Lantejuela Endorheic Complex is a place where wildlife thrives in harmony with nature. Come explore and marvel at this unique biodiversity in the Seville countryside!

Guided tours are offered at the Lantejuela Endorheic Complex for those who wish to explore this natural environment in a more in-depth way. These visits are an excellent opportunity to learn about the flora, fauna and the ecological importance of lagoons and endorheic systems. Contact us to arrange a guided tour.

During guided tours, you will be able to:

  • Explore the Trails: The guides will take you along specific trails that will allow you to appreciate the beauty of the lagoons and their surroundings. You will learn about the native plants and migratory birds that find refuge here.
  • Bird Watching: The experts will point out the aquatic birds and birds of prey that live in the complex. You can use binoculars for more detailed observation.
  • Know the History and Ecology: You will discover the geological and ecological history of this unique space. From the formation of lagoons to their role in the life cycle of birds, there is much to learn.

To participate in a guided tour, I recommend checking with the local visitor centre or tourist office in La Lantejuela. I hope you enjoy this enriching experience! 🌿🔍

Visit La Lantejuela and Explore its Endorheic Complex!

If you are looking for an authentic rural getaway, you cannot miss the opportunity to explore these lagoons and endorheic systems. The typical town of Lantejuela awaits you with its natural beauty and rich biodiversity. Come and discover this magical corner in the countryside of Seville!🌿🦆 from one of our holiday villas with a private pool.

You can stay in one of our wonderful Baex Rental´s holiday villas in Lantejuela:


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or in the surroundings, in a very nice luxury holiday villa in the Seville countryside.



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Villa Lucrecia Holiday Home


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Avaiblable from 17 to 31 August


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